〒171-0014 3-9-20 Ikebukuro, Toshima-ku, Tokyo

What are lactic acid bacteria production substances?

Ability of lactic acid bacteria metabolites

Classification of microecological preparations

Live bacteria, dead bacteria, metabolites

Role of microbial products

First, the balance of microorganisms and enzymes in the gut is adjusted, and then the immune function is improved.

Classification of microbial products ---- live, dead, metabolites
Live bacteria

It refers to physiological bacteria beneficial to the human body. Lactic acid and acetic acid produced by beneficial bacteria. By reducing the pH (Note 1) and Eh value (Note 2) in the intestines, the internal microenvironment is improved and the growth of bad bacteria is blocked. The metabolites are also nutritious for the human body. However, in order to fulfill the above roles, it is important to “plant” in the intestine without being killed by gastric acid before reaching the intestine. Otherwise, live bacteria will be excreted from the human body and their effectiveness will be greatly reduced. According to the latest research data, in vitro experiments indicate that good bacteria are difficult to settle in the human intestine.

Dead bacteria
(Including bacterial components)

It has been observed with an electron microscope that dead bacteria adhere to the intestinal wall, fight off bad bacteria, and promote microbiological balance. Dead bacteria and enzymes nourish the human body. In addition, components such as bacterial cell wall lipoteichoic acid (LTA) (Note 1) and cell wall peptidoglycan (PG) (Note 2) adhere to the intestinal wall and suppress spoilage bacteria. By reducing the amount of carcinogenic toxins produced and having a strong immune-binding effect, it activates Peyer's patches (intestinal lymph nodes) and produces numerous immune cells. Dead bacteria are stable quality, high concentration, safer than live bacteria, and can be used with antibiotics.

metabolism material

A culture solution for removing bacteria after culturing, and contains abundant metabolites and some bacterial debris (components) in the process of bacterial growth and regeneration Acidic substances and bacteriocin (Note 1) secreted by bacteria have hostile and killing effects against harmful bacteria. In addition, amino acids that are metabolized by bacteria after breaking down foods, synthetic vitamins, enzymes that are useful to the human body, directly nourish the human body, and some of the bacterial components have an immune promoting effect.

(Note 1) Bacteriocin is a protein-based antibacterial substance produced by bacteria, such as colicin produced by E. coli.

Complex lactic acid bacteria metabolite JK-21
What are lactic acid bacteria metabolites?

Lactic acid bacteria metabolites are essential nutrients for our health. It is a substance that is produced daily by lactic acid bacteria after we were born, and is a good bacteria that continues to live in the intestines.

The same goes for silkworms eating mulberry leaves and spitting silk, but silk originally does not exist in silkworms and mulberry leaves. Only silkworms eat mulberry leaves to produce such substances. Similarly, lactic acid bacteria metabolites are “substances” produced only by lactic acid bacteria, and are rapidly absorbed by blood and tissue cells with small-molecule nutrients and are beneficial to health.

Components of lactic acid bacteria metabolites

Lactic acid bacteria metabolites are aggregates of micronutrients such as high concentrations of amino acids, vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and short-chain fatty acids, and have been confirmed to contain more than 1000 types of saccharides and proteins Results of gas chromatographic research at the Chemical Laboratory) Lactic acid, acetic acid, extracellular polysaccharides, lactic acid bacteria, and γ-aminobutyric acid play a special role in the body's immunity and anti-tumor regulation.

Principle and mechanism of complex lactic acid bacteria metabolites

We selected 21 types of bacteria beneficial to human intestines from projects using artificial intestinal devices produced by the latest research results of many famous universities in Japan. (Each 21 types of bacteria have special effects)

Why not eat probiotics such as yogurt (Note 1)? How can I solve it?

The number of lactic acid bacteria in 100 grams of yogurt is about 10 billion. On the other hand, there are more than 100 trillion bacteria in the intestine, less than 1 / 10,000. In addition, since the lactic acid bacteria in yogurt are viable bacteria, the lactic acid bacteria incorporated in the body are killed by stomach acid and bile, and the slightly surviving lactic acid bacteria are also considered foreign substances in the intestinal host bacteria group, It is excreted quickly and hardly settles in the intestines. The only “substances” accepted by good bacteria in the intestines are the metabolites produced by lactic acid bacteria. As the dietary habits change and age, the number of good bacteria in our gut will continue to decrease. Therefore, we focused on the metabolites produced by lactic acid bacteria and effectively solved the problem of the amount of lactic acid bacteria metabolites (good bacteria).

(Note 1) Probiotics: Microorganisms that are taken from the mouth and have beneficial effects by improving the balance of the intestinal flora.

\Highly concentrated complex microecologic product Lactic acid bacteria JK-5G

Features of highly concentrated complex microbial products

Highly concentrated complex microbial preparations are made from high purity and high temperature inactivated lactic acid cultivated in special equipment (patented), specially effective for 21 types of complex lactic acid bacteria fermentation and improving immunity Contains 5 trillion lactic acid cocci per gram. In addition, a large amount of lipoteichoic acid (LTA)

(Note 1) and cell wall peptidoglycan (PG) (PG), which are the main components of the cell wall of cells and a highly effective immunostimulatory substance that promotes a strong activation action on immune cells (leukocytes) ( Note 2) and fatty acids are also included. They also greatly increase the activity of TNF-α (tumor necrosis factor-α) (Note 3).

(Note 1) Lipoteichoic acid (LTA) t: One of the main components of the cell wall, which is a substance that increases immunity.

(Note 2) Peptidoglycan acid (PG): A polymer composed of polysaccharides and peptides. A substance that provides durability against osmotic pressure of cell walls and maintains cell morphology and strength.

(Note 3) TNF-a (tumor necrosis factor): A substance that has the effect of necrosing tumor cells.

How to activate immune cells in intestinal base camps
Immune cell activation conditions

Foreign bodies such as bacteria and viruses → enter the small intestine → M cells of Peyer's patches (lymph node aggregates) are considered foreign bodies → cause immune system → improve immunity (risk of entering bacteria and viruses into the intestines No) → Stimulates the immune system to produce a large number of immune cells → Enters the body via blood → Purifies cancer cells in the body.